In Norway we have many different winter sports due to our cold, snowy weather in the winter months. One of the popular activities is snowboarding. This sport has increased its popularity since the 1980's and are now one of the leading winter sports. You can practice snowboard in down-hill slopes or off-pist down snowy mountain sides . The first alternative is the most common here in Norway. It's also pretty common to create "sessions" where you bring a couple of friends and a photo camera, and slide down stairs, building tops, etc.

Snowboarding has been dominated by men since the very beginning, but in the last couple of years more females have started to arrive the scene. I have put in a picture of me and a group of girls called the Powderpuffs from a snowboard camp in Geilo two years ago.
The reason I chose to talk about snowboarding is because I was member of the BSK snowboarding team with the head quarter in Kirkerudbakken, Norway from the age of 13 to the age of 17. I love the sport because after you have learned the basic skills, you can learn to perform different tricks on both boxes and slides and when you are jumping. It's very fun to experience progression in this sport
Here is a
video of two of the riders from Kirkerudbakken, Aleksander Østreng and Ståle Sandbech, who now are competing at an international level. Take a look!
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